Wednesday 25 December 2019


26th December 2019

  Inspirational quotes and motivational sayings have an amazing ability to change the way we feel about life. This is why I find them so interesting and crucial on our paths to success.

So what’s their secret?
You see, the way you think and feel about yourself, including your beliefs and expectations about what is possible for you, determines everything that happens to you.

When you change the quality of your thinking, you change the quality of your life, sometimes instantly. Just as positive words can make someone smile or a well-timed humorous quote can make someone laugh, our thoughts react to the world in real-time.

You have complete control over only one thing in the universe — your thinking – and that’s where motivational quotes come in!

You can decide what you are going to think in any given situation. Your thoughts and feelings determine your actions and determine the results you get. It all starts with your thoughts – and I have found that inspirational words are a quick way to retune your thinking.

Try keeping a few uplifting excerpts or positive proclamations on hand. If you ever notice your energy or your spirit begin to drop, simply recite an inspirational and uplifting quote to quickly boost your mood.

   I have compiled a list of some of the best motivational quotes so you can start the year by taking control of your thoughts, thinking positively and setting new goals.

Here are my favorite inspirational quotes about life:

1) “The way get started is to quit talking and begin doing.” – Walt Disney
This straight-to-business quote comes from the man who created the happiest place on earth – and a multibillion-dollar empire. Click here to tweet this inspirational quote.

inspirational quote by Walt Disney over image of feet on stair case

2) “The pessimist sees difficulty in every opportunity. The optimist sees opportunity in every difficulty.”

3) “Don’t let yesterday take up too much of today.” – Will Rogers
Will Rogers was an American actor, cowboy, columnist and social commentator who believed in keeping forward momentum.

4) “You learn more from failure than from success. Don’t let it stop you. Failure builds character.” – Unknown
When you replace ‘lose’ with ‘learn’ in your vocabulary, the thought of failure becomes less daunting and lets you focus on growth.

5) “It’s not whether you get knocked down, it’s whether you get up.” – Inspirational Quote by Vince Lombardi
Vince Lombardi was an American football hero who’s uplifting words frequently make it onto Top 10 Inspirational Quotes lists. Click here to tweet this quote.

inspirational quote by vince lombardi on image of man on mountainside

6) “If you are working on something that you really care about, you don’t have to be pushed. The vision pulls you.” – Steve Jobs
Steve Jobs truly captured some of the wisdom of life in this statement. Do that which you are passionate about and your work will feel effortless.

motivational ocean

7) “People who are crazy enough to think they can change the world, are the ones who do.” – Rob Siltanen
I believe this is one of the best quotes to live by because it reminds me to think without limits and never doubt my wildest thoughts.

inspirational quote by Rob Siltanen on image of man jumping over a mountain peak

8) “Failure will never overtake me if my determination to succeed is strong enough.” – Og Mandino
There’s a special place in my heart for these inspirational words. They remind me of my unwavering determination to become a motivational speaker.

9) “Entrepreneurs are great at dealing with uncertainty and also very good at minimizing risk. That’s the classic entrepreneur.” – Mohnish Pabrai
This line always puts a smile on my face because it alludes to the excitement of not knowing what to expect but seeing a possible life-changing outcome.

10) “We may encounter many defeats but we must not be defeated.” – Maya Angelou
Maya Angelou was one of the top civil rights activists and embraced a spirit of positive thinking and sheer determination.

11) “Knowing is not enough; we must apply. Wishing is not enough; we must do.” – Johann Wolfgang Von Goethe
This piece of wisdom is one of my favorite quotes for students. It reminds us to apply what we learn and take action toward success, rather than waiting and hoping.

12) “Imagine your life is perfect in every respect; what would it look like?” – Brian Tracy
The exercise mentioned in this excerpt of my personal development philosophy is one of the keys to gaining clarity for what you really want in life. Start with a clear vision of your ideal life and happiness, then work backward to achieve it.

13) “We generate fears while we sit. We overcome them by action.” – Dr. Henry Link
I love this pairing of quotation and image (below). Before we act, our imaginations often run wild, but when we move forward we often find the path ahead far less daunting than the horrifying version we had created in our minds.

14) “Whether you think you can or think you can’t, you’re right.” – Quote by Henry Ford
Truly a quote to live by, the American captain of industry, Henry Ford, made this proclamation while reflecting on his life. He is still one of the wealthiest figures of the modern period. Ford also said, “Failure is simply the opportunity to begin again, this time more intelligently.”

15) “Security is mostly a superstition. Life is either a daring adventure or nothing.” – Life Quote by Helen Keller
Helen Keller is the author of this thought-provoking quote about life. I love her adventurous spirit and all or nothing attitude!

16) “The man who has confidence in himself gains the confidence of others.” – Hasidic Proverb
In this powerful Hasidic proverb, we learn an ancient truth that still holds up in modern times. The power of self-confidence is just as strong today as it was a long time ago. You can still change the thoughts of others by changing your thoughts about yourself.

17) “The only limit to our realization of tomorrow will be our doubts of today.” – Motivational Quote by Franklin D. Roosevelt
F.D.R. famously alluded to the impact positive thinking can have on the world, stating that our doubts, or our self-limiting beliefs, were the only restraints on the possibilities of the future.

18) “Creativity is intelligence having fun.” – Albert Einstein
Albert Einstein authored this encouraging and uplifting quote. In just five words, he captured the essence of his intellectual philosophy and inspired others to embrace the creative process.

19) “What you lack in talent can be made up with desire, hustle and giving 110% all the time.” – Don Zimmer
Professional baseball player and coach, Don Zimmer dedicated 65 years to the sport. The wisdom he left behind implies that will power and dedication are just as important as ability. Again, alluding to the concept that success is formed in the mind before it is manifested in reality.


20) “Do what you can with all you have, wherever you are.” – Theodore Roosevelt
At number twenty, we have one of the most famous quotes about life by Teddy Roosevelt, who served as President of the United States from 1901 to 1909. A true optimist, he believed in the value of always giving it your all, no matter what you have or where you are.

  Thanks for reading my favorite motivational quotes. I hope you can look to these inspirational words whenever you need a boost so you may confidently crush any challenges or goals that you set for yourself.



Tuesday 16 April 2019

How I Met the Love of My Life

First impressions are nonsense.

Let me tell you something.

Sometime last year, a guy intercepted me on my way out of Tuwebiye Film Production, Abuja, and asked me out. Fine person! Tall and chubby, just the  way I like them... Well, with my plenty home training, I turned him down politely and continued my journey.

For where?! Oga continued following me o. He wanted to know why? So I told him I had a boyfriend who loved and cared for me, and I wouldn't want to break his heart.

"So can I have your number please? We could build a platonic relationship. You seem nice and receptive."
I laughed.  Receptionist ni! See this one! In this time and age? All these guys that like to follow backyard to collect somebody's investment... Better be kiafu!
Well, after much much, I gave Oga my number.

At some point, he began to call too much, asking for a date. I blocked his line. Date ba, calendar ni!  Again, he resulted to text messages. I blocked that avenue too. Before I knew it, WhatsApp and Facebook Chat haff start. I discovered him and quickly blocked his hands off. Hian! 😂

Then one evening as I was trying to sleep, I heard a knock on my door, and there He was. Standing. Smiling too. Very cute! Hian!
"How did you find me?" I asked.
"I love you." He replied.
Love who? Is like this one is high. Sharp sharp,  I banged my door on his face, and went back to sleep. But the picture of his stupid cute smiling face won't just leave my head, no matter how much I covered myself with the blood of my boyfriend. God abeg o!

Fast forward to some months later. I got into deep trouble. Serious one. I felt I was gonna die from the effect. So I began to seek help. From friends and foes alike.

Guess what? In a twinkle of an eye, I looked around and I was standing alone. No boyfriend. No friends. Nobody. well some friends were kind enough to stay afar and Cheer me up with loud tunes:

"Mariam, you can do this!"
"Imoh, e go better! God will see you through!"
"Imoh, you're a strong woman. Stay strong for us!"
"Mariam, fight! Keep your head above water! Don't give up or give in, give down!"

Words. Words. Words. Everybody had one thing or the other to say to me. They wanted me to be strong. To fight. To be this and that, but nobody told me how. Nobody stood with me. Everything happened from a distance. No help, no direction. Nothing.

Gradually, I slipped into depression. I became bitter. Angry at anything and anyone. Tired. Drained. Distraught. Dejected. Almost insane.

At a point I attended every workshop/seminar. Listened to therapists. Tried making new friends,  but still... nothing. I Sha gave up and withdrew myself from civilization. I'd switch off my phones many times, to make sure I was the only one in my space. I was alone.

A month later, I decided to jog on my street again. Had a "funny" story to write, and needed to clear my head a bit, so I could get in the mood.

As I jogged, I notice someone was also jogging from behind me. "Lashe, stop. Stop!" He called.
Kpaji! Who told this stalker my name?! I was furious. When he noticed I won't stop, he doubled his steps and caught up with me. I looked at his face. Fine man. Same chubby person. Stalker Gorozo! Jersey and boots...Designers. Imagine? Mtcheew! He's even  a bloody show off!

I rolled my eyes at him, and was about to continue my journey, when I felt him grab me. Into an embrace. I wanted to fight, but I was too tired to. Besides, the effect of the hug was seeping in. Very medicinal something. Unashamedly, I warned myself: Aunty Lashe, you  need this, camdan and collect.😂

Gradually, I relaxed into him.  Like I wanted to enter inside his body. Boom! The tears came. I cried uncontrollably. Just as I was entering gear 1, shame started catching me. See me hustling for hug from the broad shest of a man that I  have blocked on all platforms! Tueh!

As if Oga read  my thoughts: "  Lashe, I see you. Cry all you want. Baby, this broad chest was specifically designed for you. So you better have fun and stop thinking nonsense."

In my mind, I was like: Lashe ke? Who told this one my name is Lashe? Only family calls me that. How did he come up with such information?👀

While he escorted me back after jogging, I told him some things going on with me, I expected him to ask about my boyfriend and my friends. Surprisingly, he didn't. Then I asked him why he wouldn't ask,
"Lashe, I am not here to judge you." He replied.

We got to my house and I bade him farewell.
"Please, let me stay small na. I want to spend time. With you." He pleaded.

I refused. Because my house was a mess. shyness and shame was killing me. Let it not be said among the brotherhood that my wife material cannot sew bowtie. Agwatana e biyeni!

Again, as if he read my mind, he was like: I'd like to help you clean up. We could do it together if you don't mind."

Ah! Hope this one is not a psychic sha. Sha... He came in. He made breakfast. People, he can cook!!!! Oh! 😍😍
Together we arranged the entire house.
Also I noticed he was really  smart. Like he began to provide feasible solutions to all the puzzles I struggled with. And... he even repaired my wall clock.  Handy man! Just the way I like them.

I felt him open the door, so I  begged him to stay a bit more. Shameless me!

 "No, I'm here. I can't leave you. Even when you can't see or feel me, I'm always here". He replied.

Just as I was about to smile, he went; "Uhm, Babe, when we were coming upstairs, I noticed a guy struggling to clean up his house downstairs. Let me knock and see if he'd like some help. I'd be back. If you miss me too much, Just close your eyes and say my name, for I AM in you.

Ladies and gentlemen, I present to you my boyfriend, Agwatana. The one whose love bankrupted Heaven for me and you. 

I present to you a love that is real. Not sly. Not selfish. Very childlike. And most times, outright ridiculous. Reckless, even.

 A love without a plan B.

I know we all have our reservations and stuff... but this worked for me. He worked for me. And He can work for you too.  From me, He's reaching out to you. You might have blocked Him on all platforms, but He still stands at the door of your heart. Knocking. You don't have to clean up your act or your house before you let Him in. You don't need to impress him. He doesn't judge anyone.

 He really wants to help you like He helped me...but He won't badge into you. Nah... He's a gentle God. Too refined for that. 

Like me, you have to decide to open up th
e door and let Him in, yourself.

Happy Easter in Advance!!!




The world is fast moving in development. No nation wants to be left behind. Every Nation want to be known across the globe. One major factor to consider in upbringing a nation is "UNITY" of her people. Without unity, the nation will be divided. Unity is the ability to be united; Where people come together in spirit of oneness to pursue and achieve a common goal.

In years back, the Bassa nation are really left behind because we have no UNITY. this lack of unity has given others the avenue to look down on us. They have step on our toes, spit on us, take on ancestoral land and inheritage because we lack unity. We were divided we failed to speak in one voice and now we're paying for. However, it's too late to make the Bassa nation recognizable; if other tribes can do it, the Bassa nation too can do it.. we ain't an exception. LET'S GET THE BASSA NATION WORKING!

Recently, I have noticed that the Bassa nation is progressing. Yes, I have seen development so far. I can see we're beginning to wakeup from our long slumber.  To our actors, actresses, musicians and comedians etc, I say kudos to you all.. Keep on making the Bassa nation a recognizable tribe.. Keep soaring high and don't be discouraged. To everyone out there who has any idea in lifting and making the Bassa nation recognizable, don't hesitate to bring such idea to work. LET'S MAKE THE BASSA NATION WORKING.!!!!


one major problem of the Bassa is lack how to lend a helping hand to others. If a Bassa man managed to reach to the top, he won't pave way to help his own people too. WE RISE BY LIFTING OTHERS.!

The Bassa nation have got alot of talents no doubt. But we lack who to sponsor or empower this youths to bring their talents to work. Their talents are being lain domant. I call on our leaders to who are somehow well-to-do, those in high postions and those financially buoyant to empower our youths.. It's high time we unite, work together and make the Bassa nation a recognizable tribe. I forsee a great nation arising. LET'S GET THE BASSA NATION WORKING!!!!!!!

Ambitious-Nyizo S.D


In the past we have face different challenges and obstacles as a tribe. In the past we'hv encountered different neglects, denayers, shame and sufferings. In the days gone even from our own people we'hv suffered so many disapointments or failed promises, we have fail to help, we have failed to assist, we have failed to support, we have failed to cheer up our own, we have failed to help one another just because we generated a natural and unreasonable hatred in between ourselves. Those things and many more have lead us so backward.
My dear Bassa people I see no reason why we should or we will keep looking at the back or past in tracing or defining our future. Let the past be bye gone because we are now for light and not for darkness. If we believe that the future holds something bright for us then we have to look and foresee beyond and not behind. For us to move forward and create a new Bassa that other tribes will envy and emulate or imitate us then this is the Bassa we ought to be;.
Love (Tulubo), before any other item can follow I think love is the first because even the holy books emphasises on it. Love is the greatest of all in which every other note which will be highlighted here lies upon. For if love exist among us then the unity of purpose and our fight for liberation is a sure fixed game without hatred or partiality.
Betrayal is one of the factor which has affected us so much and more than enough in Bassa Nation. Believe me, despite the ongoing crises there are still some who are betraying us to our enemies never considering the struggle and sufferings we are facing or going through. If we must move forward and achieve our aims and set goals then betrayal should become our departed fellow or soul.
One factor again which has been affecting us and needs to be considered and dealt with if possible is those who believe in spiritual meat and riches which the ordinary man with ordinary eyes can't see or sense. There are so many who would have done great exploits and fashion our lands today but the witches have eaten them off. Why will our lands be rich at night and considered and ranked the most poorest in daytime?, what's its gain in the sight of the world?. If we must move on and look better let this be a enough for us because we need our great men alive and worthy, otherwise use that spiritual means to bless and enrich our people and lands physically.
In building a new Bassa and making our ambitions a proclamation we have to be a helping hand to each other in making some dreams come through. If you can't afford something or you know you ain't to its qualification please invite a fellow Bassa brother or sister who your know can be best or up to the standard. When you come across a fellow Bassa who is struggling, help in lifting his/her hands up because we rise by lifting others. THIS IS THE BASSA WE OUGHT TO BE.
Sometimes I wonder why we fight each other, I wonder why we generate hatred among ourselves especially we the youth, some will say we can't be all Bassa and distinct themselves because they feel they're more civilized than others, this is anoying and not worth in this age.
You may be an indigen of kogi, FCT, Nasarawa, Niger, Kaduna, etc but we bear and  speak same Bassa, let us know that were're ONE and have that spirit of unionism, THIS IS THE BASSA WE OUGHT TO BE.
We may find ourselves doing same or different works, let's encourage and cheer up each other. let's support each other, let's stop enviness, work with each other to promote ourselves and Bassa Nation, THIS IS THE BASSA WE OUGHT TO BE.
You may be rich and live  a comfortable life, others may be poor or below your stndard but stop thinking they can't be where you are. You may live in a city while others live in village, never conclude they can't be where you are or more than you. let's help each other, let love and care for one another for this is THE BASSA WE OUGHT TO BE.
We should never feel special or worthy of something than others just because we found ourselves in urban areas and others in rural areas. So many wish to be there also or above you but opportunity and grace is still keeping them behind or at stake. Lets embrace each other and be happy whenever we come across one another. Never think nothing good can come out of Nazareth, for time  will determine our destinies whether you're in the village or city. THIS IS THE BASSA WE OUGHT TO BE.
Lets bear each others burden and walk towards same faith of achievement, for the Egyptians are already weaken and the stuborn ones will soon and not later be drawn and perish in the red sea.
Forget the odd past, we are now the Bassa of light, the Bassa of one voice, the Bassa of one struggle and fight, the Bassa of love, the Bassa of one reliigion and faith which is BASSA.
If me, you and every Bassa is looking up to a new phase of Bassa Nation then; THAT IS THE BASSA WE OUGHT TO BE.
God bless and long live Bassa Nation.


Before anyone crucify me regarding the heading of this article I indudge your patience to read and get the content from the beginning to the end.
According to Oxford Advanced Learner's Dictionary "a Coward is a person who is not brave or who does not have the courage to do things that other people do not think are especially difficult".
When I look down in my heart, search around and  observe well, I get to know Bassas are coward. We are cowards that's why we are facing challenges. We are  cowards because we don't want to voice out, we are cowards because we are hiding ourselves, we are  cowards because we are not ready to make a change, we're cowards because we think we can't make it or get to the heights other tribes are attaining. I realized Bassa is hidden, we are not well known. I met a lady last week in school and during our conversation she asked what tribe I am and I boldly and happily told her am BASSA, but her reply feeled my eyes with tears. She said she had nerver heard a tribe called Bassa existed, I wanted slapping her but a thought quickly came in my mind "She might be saying the truth". I asked myself again why do people do not recognize us as tribe?,  I later answered myself that it's because we are  cowards, and our thought are; if we show ourselves people will look down on us.This fear made us to be in the same place every day that even our enemies seems to be known and recognise more than us despite not been up to one-quater of our population. I want to commend MR AFRED-DAVID DOGWO who will slap you, blow you or beat you if possible if you mistakenly tell him, he is not or didn't look like Bassa.
I wonder why strangers we accommodated in our land are fighting and killing us ontop our heritages. Isn't it annoying?, may why; because we are cowards. Government will surely listen to them and believe them because they are bold enough to speak out and ready to face and challenge any misfortune that may come round, whereas ours are hidden. We suffer on top our properties, we can't sleep peacefully in our own houses because we are cowards.
Another surprising thing of this century which suppose to be a welcome development to Bassa Nation is likely to be turned down by some of our elders, but believe me we're not giving up. Just imaging the BASSATV which is just lunched online via YOUTUBE in less than two weeks now want to receive a turn down from our own people who suppose be a backbone and ever in support when challenges and difficulties come. One of the person in particular been a chieftain stating that BASSATV will create problem just because it's first movement engaged on interviews on the situation facing Bassa Nation. The BASSATV which is just the effort of a lone person (RUZOMA MOSES LUKA) who is taking his time and resources out of schedule and taken the challenge upon himself that  Bassa must be elevated, but he is getting a negative reaction. Can we move forward with such ideas of abolishing and discouragement?, why been Cowards?.
Bassas are cowards that's why I haven't seen any Bassa contesting for governorship, Senate or House of Rep in their respective States despite our educational qualifications and Status. Our thought is people will mock us, what about the Bassa-nge whose population is not even up to a ward in Bassa District, despite they have not emerged, they are echoing for recognition for the nearest future. Our leaders should note that every step they take today we the younger ones will come out tomorrow boldly and stronger than them to continue it's paths.
This atritude of cowardise is also affecting we the young ones that we  cant even contest for positions like Mr&Miss of our repective states, how then are we going to proceed to National and World at large?, or should we stay behind and allow inferiority complex to kill us?, No!.
It never amased me when people from another tribe do say they never knew whether Bassa have beautiful and intelligent people. The reason for such statement is that even those who try to show up themselves will either pretend not to be Bassa or claim another ethnicity and I wonder who told such people they won't make it in life as Bassas, been Coward!.
To our musicians, our comedians, our actors and actresses, I just advice we advance more by mingling with other people, don't let  these talents end in BASSA locality alone, we'hv known each other enough, Let other tribes know us too, let Nigerian know us, let African know us, let the world know us.
I, personally writing this note am not perfect neither in any way but its a challenge before us, we can overcome these challenges only when we stop being cowards.
I believe in any dream which anyone has for a Better Bassa Nation

By: Tukura Hannah Wandama
For; Proudly Bassa Worldwide.

Saturday 13 April 2019


    History Repeats Itself
The apple doesn’t fall far from the tree.

He’s just like his father
Like father, like son
A chip off the old block
She is definitely her mother’s daughter.

For the Worse
Common sense, simple observation, and psychological research show that these down-home adages reflect a truth in human development – that children often grow up to mimic the behavior, beliefs, and attitudes of their parents.
Children whose parents smoke are more likely to smoke themselves.
If parents abuse alcohol or drugs, their children are more likely to do the same.
Children raised in homes that experience frequent domestic violence are more likely to either abuse their spouses or be abused by them.
Adults who were abused as children are more likely to abuse their own children.
For the Better
On the flip side, children also repeat positive behaviors they see in their parents.
Multiple generations of the same family enter into the same profession: law enforcement, fire prevention, medicine, law, teaching, etc.

Children whose parents have healthy self-esteem tend to be more confident and hold themselves in higher regard.
Children whose parents have succeeded in school tend to meet with academic success themselves and stay in school longer than children whose parents dropped out of school.
Children of happily married parents tend to find the same satisfaction in their love relationships.

How Traits are Passed Along
Part of the explanation for why qualities of parents are often repeated in their offspring is genetic, indicating the power of “nature,” that is, heredity.

But part of the explanation also lies in the impact of the environment in which a child is raised, which is referred to as “nurture.”
The answer to the age-old question of why children often seem so much like their parents probably is that both nature and nurture play a role in how children develop. And, of course, both of these influences come from a child’s parents.
It is the environmental piece that parents have much more control over.

The kind of emotional environment established in the home and the child-rearing style used by the parents have a mighty influence on a child’s development.
Another major mechanism through which parents impact their children’s growth toward maturity is by the kind of role models they are. This process occurs consciously as well as without awareness on the part of the parent.
What We Know About Role Modeling

Who are Role Models?

Role models are people who influence others by serving as examples.

They are often admired by the people who emulate them. Through their perceived personal qualities, behaviors, or achievements, they can inspire others to strive and develop without providing any direct instruction.

Social scientists have shown that much of learning that occurs during childhood is acquired through observation and imitation.
For most children, the most important role models are their parents and caregivers, who have a regular presence in their lives.

As a parent, it is impossible to not model. Your children will see your example – positive or negative – as a pattern for the way life is to be lived.

Depending on what you do or do not do, you can be either:
a very important protective factor (an environmental influence that protects against problem behavior)
or a very powerful risk factor (an environmental condition that is associated with an increase in problem behavior).

What is a Good Role Model?
According to David Streight, executive director of the Council for Spiritual and Ethical Education and a nationally certified school psychologist, we know the following about good role models for children:
The way you act and the kind of model you offer your children constitutes one of the five well-researched practices proven to maximize the chances your kids will grow up with good consciences and well-developed moral reasoning skills.
The right kind of modeling can influence how much empathy your child will end up feeling and showing in later life.

The chances of your children growing up to be altruistic

– to be willing to act for the benefit of others, even when there are no tangible rewards involved – are better depending on the kinds of role models children grow up with.
Good role models can make lifelong impressions on children, regarding how to act in the difficult situations that they will inevitably face in life.
Role modeling is one of the most powerful tools you have in your parenting tool belt to influence the direction of your children’s character, whatever their age. When used to best advantage, you can pass on the values you want your children to adopt so that they become the adults you would like them to be.

How to be an Effective Role Model for your Children
Being a positive role model actually requires effort, fore-thought, and self-control for most parents. Because your children are watching you all the time, your actions, beliefs, and attitudes become integrated into your children’s way of being; therefore, it is very important that you be very intentional about what behaviors you model for your children.
Being aware of this huge responsibility can encourage you to better yourself: for example, if you do not want your child to smoke, then one of the most effective ways you can communicate that is to quit smoking yourself or not start in the first place.

Walk the Talk

Unfortunately for parents, the saying “Do as I say, not as I do” simply does not work. Children can sniff out hypocrisy like a blood hound, and they gain the most from parents who demonstrate consistency between their actions and their values by “
walking the talk

If you don’t want your children to lie to get out of going to school by feigning illness, then you best not lie about taking a “sick” day from work.
If you don’t want your children to spend excessive time on technology devices, you have to limit your use of the same devices.
Kids respect adults who live by the rules they preach. Hypocrisy disillusions children and sends them looking for alternative role models to follow.

Review your Own Behavior and Attitudes
Model through your own actions

For example, consider how you:
handle stress and frustration
respond to problems
express anger and other emotions
treat other people
deal with competition, responsibilities, loss, mistakes
celebrate special occasions
take care of yourself (what you eat, how much you exercise, balance your commitments)
Model through your Words
Your children are not only watching you carefully for clues about how to be; they are also listening to you. The way you speak, what you speak about, and the opinions you express will influence their values.
Consider how you speak to them, your spouse, your friends and neighbors, the check-out person at the grocery store.
Do you model respect of others through your words and tone of voice?
Do your words indicate respect for differences and tolerance toward all people or do they subtly support lack of acceptance for others different from yourself?
Do you “bully” your children with harsh words and threats when they misbehave, or do you respond with discipline based on respect for your children’s humanity?

Focus on Positives You Can Model for your Children

Ask yourself what kind of people you want your children to become, and then consider what you can do to model the behaviors and attitudes that would reflect that kind of person. This is another way of saying that it is helpful for you to examine your own values.
For example, do you want your children to:
develop a strong work ethic?
have a generosity of spirit?
have courage?
stand up for their beliefs?
be kind and considerate?
be patient?
be diligent and persistent?
be assertive?
be a contributing member of society?
take good care of their bodies?
be open to new learning? To find pleasure in reading?
If you wish for these traits in your children, then do these things yourself!

Build Strong Relationships with your Children

You will be a larger influence in your children’s lives if you have a warm and nurturing relationship with them, and your children are more likely to emulate you if they feel close to you and supported by you.
Give them unconditional love in a safe environment that also provides consistent, firm, and flexible discipline so they know what is expected of them.
Listen to them without judgment when they are upset. Share your own feelings with them so they get to know you; share some of your choices and decision-making as examples to guide them.
Find ways to have fun with them, to share interests, to enjoy one another’s company (preparing a meal, discussing a TV show, playing sports together, etc.).
Build a connection with them based on trust so they know they can count on you when they need you, and so that they learn to be trustworthy in return.

Be Forgiving of Mistakes
Nobody is perfect – neither you nor your children. That means that mistakes will be made. What is most important when mistakes are made is the way you handle the situation.
When you or your children or someone else makes an error:
are you unforgiving or accepting?
do you deal calmly with the situation to resolve it or do you berate the perpetrator?
do you get angry and look for someone to blame or do you assess what has gone wrong and consider what can be learned to avoid a repetition?
If you make a mistake
If you make a mistake by doing something that you later regret, you can use that as an opportunity to show your children how to handle errors in judgment by:
acknowledging the misstep.
accepting responsibility for your part in it.
apologizing to any hurt parties.
finding ways to make amends.
thinking about what you can do next time so you don’t repeat the error.
These steps are all part of a healthy process of reacting when you mess up. This is the same process you can use if you respond to your children in a way that you later regret.

If your children make a mistake
And what do you do when your children make a mistake? You can:
let them know that mistakes are opportunities for learning and that nobody is perfect.
help them to go through the steps outlined.
have a forgiving and responsible attitude toward making mistakes.
Modeling through your Actions
Your children will see you living these lessons if you are kind to yourself when you make a mistake and if you are accepting of them when they do.
Additionally, if you address problems and conflicts in your own life (such as trying to lose weight or dealing with a difficult neighbor) and share the process with your children in an age-appropriate way, you can encourage your children to address their concerns similarly.
You are modeling for your children an approach to life that includes on-going growth, learning, improvement, and development. What a great life lesson for your kids to learn.
It takes so much pressure off them (they don’t have to be perfect) because you have modeled for them how to treat themselves and others when the inevitable mess-ups happen. What a hopeful and optimistic attitude to pass on to your kids!

Tips for Effective roles modeling

Include your children in family discussions , and use these as ways to show them how people can get along with others and work together.

Practice what you preach
Children notice when you don’t.
Work towards a healthy lifestyle by eating well and exercising regularly. Avoid making negative comments about your body – and other people’s too. Not only will you be healthier, but you will send an important message about body image and acceptance.
Show that you enjoy education and learning . If you make it seem interesting and enjoyable rather than a chore, you child is more likely to have a positive attitude toward school.
Keep a positive attitude in your life – think, act, and talk in an optimistic way.

Take responsibility for yourself by admitting your own mistakes and talking about how you can correct them. Do not blame everything that goes wrong on other people or circumstances.
Use problem-solving skills to deal with challenges or conflicts in a calm and productive way. Getting upset or angry when a problem comes up teaches your child to respond in the same way.
Show kindness and respect to others in your words and your actions.
Other Influencers
So far, we have talked about parents as the most significant role models that children have. But we all know that children have many other role models in their lives.
Although this can instill fear/concern in parents about who else is influencing their children, it is actually recommended that you encourage your children to find other people who can serve as healthy role models.

Positive Role Models

Examples of people who can add depth and breadth to your children’s development and life experiences are:
club leaders,
members of the clergy,
older siblings or cousins or other family members,
friends’ parents.
These people often play a key role in supporting, mentoring, and encouraging your children in positive ways.

You can help your children choose positive role models by talking with them about who:
has made a big difference in your life and what specifically that person did.
you look to for guidance and inspiration.
of your family members or friends have shown real courage, kindness, humor, or determination in their lives.
in your community are a good influence on others and why.
do you admire.
What do they like about that person?
Can they identify the characteristics?
Do they want to be more like this person?
What would happen if people in your family, at school, or in the community behaved like this person?
*Negative Role Models*
When the concept of other role models comes up, parents often think about negative role models, such as celebrities or sports figures who behave in reprehensible ways and yet have our children’s attention and admiration.
Children may assume that the behaviors of negative role models are typical, safe, and acceptable.

The good news is that with a strong relationship with your children, you can impart values that will counter the negative influences from the media or peers. You can intervene by emphasizing that role models who exhibit inappropriate behavior are not acceptable.
Talk to your children about role models who have made mistakes
Remind your children that all people have good and bad qualities and that anyone can make a mistake.

Differentiate between the role model’s public talents and performances and his personal life choices; emphasize that he may be good on the basketball court or football field or concert stage and your children may admire that, but his private behavior is not worth emulating.

Ask your children what they think of the role model’s behavior.
Ask what they would have done differently in the situation.

Give examples of more positive and healthier ways to handle the situation.
If you are concerned that your children are being negatively influenced by their choice of role model, you can encourage them to become involved in activities that reflect your values, such as community service, religious programs, athletics, after school programs, clubs, etc.
You can also remind your children that they do not have to do everything that the role model does. They can copy what they like and disregard the behavior that is not appropriate.

The Peer Group
Your children’s peers and friends are also important influences in their lives.
Although there is a lot of concern about the negative influence of the “peer group” and peer pressure, especially during adolescence, there is a lot of important developmental growth that takes place through your children’s connection to their friends.
The benefits of the peer group
The peer group can be a positive influence on your children by:
teaching your children social skills and what is socially acceptable.
opening your children’s world to ideas beyond those of your family.
maybe encouraging your children to be giving and caring toward their friends even when they are not inclined to be so toward their own family members.
giving them opportunities to manage group dynamics.
helping them to understand the people they will travel through life with.
Parents and peers influence different things
As a parent, you influence your children’s basic values, and issues related to their future, such as educational choices. The stronger and healthier your relationship with your children, the greater the influence you will have.
Your children’s friends are more likely to influence everyday behavior, such as the music they listen to, the clothes they wear, and to some extent the risk-taking behavior they engage in.
Your being a good role model and engaging in conversations such as those listed above can counter the effects of negative peer pressure and enable you to influence your children’s choices of which people outside the family they use as models.
The Promise of Being a Good Role Model
The question is not whether your children will emulate you; they will. The question is which behaviors they will imitate.

Through role modeling, you have the ability to influence your children’s development in positive ways and make it more likely that they become people you will admire when they mature.
What kids see and believe, they become.

Deciding what behaviors, attitudes, and beliefs you want to model gives you the opportunity to consider your own values – what traits and behaviors do you want your children to exhibit?

With the responsibility of behaving in ways you want your children to emulate comes the possibility of self-improvement, growth, and increased insight.

As you consciously influence your children’s growth and development,
you have the potential to positively impact your family legacy for generations to come. Each day, little by little, you can build a legacy of emotional health and resiliency for your children to inherit.

Remember – what goes around, comes around, from one generation to the next.






In the past we have face different challenges and obstacles as a tribe. In the past we'hv encountered different neglects, denayers, shame and sufferings. In the days gone even from our own people we'hv suffered so many disapointments or failed promises, we have fail to help, we have failed to assist, we have failed to support, we have failed to cheer up our own, we have failed to help one another just because we generated a natural and unreasonable hatred in between ourselves. Those things and many more have lead us so backward.
My dear Bassa people I see no reason why we should or we will keep looking at the back or past in tracing or defining our future. Let the past be bye gone because we are now for light and not for darkness. If we believe that the future holds something bright for us then we have to look and foresee beyond and not behind. For us to move forward and create a new Bassa that other tribes will envy and emulate or imitate us then this is the Bassa we ought to be;.
Love (Tulubo), before any other item can follow I think love is the first because even the holy books emphasises on it. Love is the greatest of all in which every other note which will be highlighted here lies upon. For if love exist among us then the unity of purpose and our fight for liberation is a sure fixed game without hatred or partiality.
Betrayal is one of the factor which has affected us so much and more than enough in Bassa Nation. Believe me, despite the ongoing crises there are still some who are betraying us to our enemies never considering the struggle and sufferings we are facing or going through. If we must move forward and achieve our aims and set goals then betrayal should become our departed fellow or soul.
One factor again which has been affecting us and needs to be considered and dealt with if possible is those who believe in spiritual meat and riches which the ordinary man with ordinary eyes can't see or sense. There are so many who would have done great exploits and fashion our lands today but the witches have eaten them off. Why will our lands be rich at night and considered and ranked the most poorest in daytime?, what's its gain in the sight of the world?. If we must move on and look better let this be a enough for us because we need our great men alive and worthy, otherwise use that spiritual means to bless and enrich our people and lands physically.
In building a new Bassa and making our ambitions a proclamation we have to be a helping hand to each other in making some dreams come through. If you can't afford something or you know you ain't to its qualification please invite a fellow Bassa brother or sister who your know can be best or up to the standard. When you come across a fellow Bassa who is struggling, help in lifting his/her hands up because we rise by lifting others. THIS IS THE BASSA WE OUGHT TO BE.
Sometimes I wonder why we fight each other, I wonder why we generate hatred among ourselves especially we the youth, some will say we can't be all Bassa and distinct themselves because they feel they're more civilized than others, this is anoying and not worth in this age.
You may be an indigen of kogi, FCT, Nasarawa, Niger, Kaduna, etc but we bear and  speak same Bassa, let us know that were're ONE and have that spirit of unionism, THIS IS THE BASSA WE OUGHT TO BE.
We may find ourselves doing same or different works, let's encourage and cheer up each other. let's support each other, let's stop enviness, work with each other to promote ourselves and Bassa Nation, THIS IS THE BASSA WE OUGHT TO BE.
You may be rich and live  a comfortable life, others may be poor or below your stndard but stop thinking they can't be where you are. You may live in a city while others live in village, never conclude they can't be where you are or more than you. let's help each other, let love and care for one another for this is THE BASSA WE OUGHT TO BE.
We should never feel special or worthy of something than others just because we found ourselves in urban areas and others in rural areas. So many wish to be there also or above you but opportunity and grace is still keeping them behind or at stake. Lets embrace each other and be happy whenever we come across one another. Never think nothing good can come out of Nazareth, for time  will determine our destinies whether you're in the village or city. THIS IS THE BASSA WE OUGHT TO BE.
Lets bear each others burden and walk towards same faith of achievement, for the Egyptians are already weaken and the stuborn ones will soon and not later be drawn and perish in the red sea.
Forget the odd past, we are now the Bassa of light, the Bassa of one voice, the Bassa of one struggle and fight, the Bassa of love, the Bassa of one reliigion and faith which is BASSA.
If me, you and every Bassa is looking up to a new phase of Bassa Nation then; THAT IS THE BASSA WE OUGHT TO BE.
God bless and long live Bassa Nation.


Thursday, 26th December 2019   Inspirational quotes and motivational sayings have an amazing ab...