Tuesday 16 April 2019


In the past we have face different challenges and obstacles as a tribe. In the past we'hv encountered different neglects, denayers, shame and sufferings. In the days gone even from our own people we'hv suffered so many disapointments or failed promises, we have fail to help, we have failed to assist, we have failed to support, we have failed to cheer up our own, we have failed to help one another just because we generated a natural and unreasonable hatred in between ourselves. Those things and many more have lead us so backward.
My dear Bassa people I see no reason why we should or we will keep looking at the back or past in tracing or defining our future. Let the past be bye gone because we are now for light and not for darkness. If we believe that the future holds something bright for us then we have to look and foresee beyond and not behind. For us to move forward and create a new Bassa that other tribes will envy and emulate or imitate us then this is the Bassa we ought to be;.
Love (Tulubo), before any other item can follow I think love is the first because even the holy books emphasises on it. Love is the greatest of all in which every other note which will be highlighted here lies upon. For if love exist among us then the unity of purpose and our fight for liberation is a sure fixed game without hatred or partiality.
Betrayal is one of the factor which has affected us so much and more than enough in Bassa Nation. Believe me, despite the ongoing crises there are still some who are betraying us to our enemies never considering the struggle and sufferings we are facing or going through. If we must move forward and achieve our aims and set goals then betrayal should become our departed fellow or soul.
One factor again which has been affecting us and needs to be considered and dealt with if possible is those who believe in spiritual meat and riches which the ordinary man with ordinary eyes can't see or sense. There are so many who would have done great exploits and fashion our lands today but the witches have eaten them off. Why will our lands be rich at night and considered and ranked the most poorest in daytime?, what's its gain in the sight of the world?. If we must move on and look better let this be a enough for us because we need our great men alive and worthy, otherwise use that spiritual means to bless and enrich our people and lands physically.
In building a new Bassa and making our ambitions a proclamation we have to be a helping hand to each other in making some dreams come through. If you can't afford something or you know you ain't to its qualification please invite a fellow Bassa brother or sister who your know can be best or up to the standard. When you come across a fellow Bassa who is struggling, help in lifting his/her hands up because we rise by lifting others. THIS IS THE BASSA WE OUGHT TO BE.
Sometimes I wonder why we fight each other, I wonder why we generate hatred among ourselves especially we the youth, some will say we can't be all Bassa and distinct themselves because they feel they're more civilized than others, this is anoying and not worth in this age.
You may be an indigen of kogi, FCT, Nasarawa, Niger, Kaduna, etc but we bear and  speak same Bassa, let us know that were're ONE and have that spirit of unionism, THIS IS THE BASSA WE OUGHT TO BE.
We may find ourselves doing same or different works, let's encourage and cheer up each other. let's support each other, let's stop enviness, work with each other to promote ourselves and Bassa Nation, THIS IS THE BASSA WE OUGHT TO BE.
You may be rich and live  a comfortable life, others may be poor or below your stndard but stop thinking they can't be where you are. You may live in a city while others live in village, never conclude they can't be where you are or more than you. let's help each other, let love and care for one another for this is THE BASSA WE OUGHT TO BE.
We should never feel special or worthy of something than others just because we found ourselves in urban areas and others in rural areas. So many wish to be there also or above you but opportunity and grace is still keeping them behind or at stake. Lets embrace each other and be happy whenever we come across one another. Never think nothing good can come out of Nazareth, for time  will determine our destinies whether you're in the village or city. THIS IS THE BASSA WE OUGHT TO BE.
Lets bear each others burden and walk towards same faith of achievement, for the Egyptians are already weaken and the stuborn ones will soon and not later be drawn and perish in the red sea.
Forget the odd past, we are now the Bassa of light, the Bassa of one voice, the Bassa of one struggle and fight, the Bassa of love, the Bassa of one reliigion and faith which is BASSA.
If me, you and every Bassa is looking up to a new phase of Bassa Nation then; THAT IS THE BASSA WE OUGHT TO BE.
God bless and long live Bassa Nation.

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