Monday 11 February 2019


Life is filled with highs and lows, valleys and peaks, that'll test your resilience, that'll push you to overcome challenges. And the lessons you will learn on your way to the top will only make you stronger and better. In any walk of life, challenges are bound to come and how you react towards them will certainly determine how long they stay. Some challenges in are not meant to break us but to make us. The more you go through life's challenges, the more skillful and experienced you become. Skillful pilots gains their reputations from storms and tempest.
Strength does not come from winning, your struggles develop your strength; when you go through hardship and decide not to surrender that's strength! Don't allow all the misfortunes and calamities that has befallen you to weigh you down, that challenges you are facing today, you're deriving strength from it. For whatever that pains you today makes you stronger tomorrow. It is bravery to see one who never given up despite the challenges he/she faces; and the bravest sight in the world is to see a great man struggling against adversities. Yes!
You're brave, you're strong; don't give up, don't surrender.
HOLD-ON! Martin Luther King Jr said: "the ultimate measure of a man is not where he stands in moments of comfort and convenience, but where he stands at times of challenges and controversy".
I'm urging you to be positive, never react negative to negativity. For life itself is not always perfect, there is a possibilities of a problems, the problem is not the end but the beginning of another different life - - A different life where you'd discover your true strength and hidden capabilities of handling problems and challenges. In a process of refining a gold, it's been tested by a fierce furnace before it become so precious and valuable. And a man also needs to be tested by life's trials before he be perfected. For a gem cannot be polished without friction nor a man perfected without trials.
I myself writing these, am also going through some life's predicaments at the moment, but I don't allow it to weigh me down because I'm deriving strength from it and it is only going to last within a limit of time. It takes courage to walk in the path in you're walking and I urge you never to give up. Yes! You're brave, you're strong; don't give up, don't surrender.
HOLD-ON! It's only in our darkness hours that we can be able to discover the true strength of our brilliant light within ourselves that can never ever be dimmed. And in end, the
winner is he who can smile in the face of adversities, the misfortunes scattered along the highway of life are our testing grounds. For every misfortune is a stepping stone to fortune.

By Ambitious - Nyizo S.D

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